Captain Ken took us over to the UAW area but the waves were such that we decided on a ride around the perimeter instead. It was perfect weather - high 70s and a breeze with a fresh cool edge to it.
And while you're at it, be sure to ask me about the Tina Turner video.
Later we went to the Lodge for dinner. At our recommendation, Tomi chose the Alaskan King Crab - not exactly local fare but well worth the moral compromise. She was generous in sharing, though Ken and I had all we could handle on our own plates.
After dinner we walked down to the outside bar and ran into Jeff and Paula Kreuger. Shot the breeze with them for a bit, then home to groan about how much we ate. We had room for teeny tiny bites of Sweetie-Licious' award winning cherry blueberry pie. Pa if you are lucky I'll save you a slice.
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