When Ken removed a wall cabinet that was ill-placed over our little stove, we decided to put it in the middle of the room as a way of telling if we had enough visual and physical space to have a kitchen island. Ken made a top out of some found wood in the garage and painted it dark green, the cabinet white, and we've been using it to good effect ever since. I thought it might be interesting to paint the cabinet a color that would contrast with/accent the decor, which is primarily neutrals tones in beige, green, and wood. So, after perusing a number of options in the form of paint chips, I settled on a nice rich cranberry color. The lady at the paint store warned me that dark colors look very different while wet, so I was braced for some variation from the desired color, but this....is pink.

The second coat improved things, but I'm thinking I may be doing more painting in the near future. Fortunately, I rather enjoyed the act of painting, so the cost of changing the color won't be too odious to bear, either financially or in time spent. This may not be pink any longer, but it sure ain't dark cranberry. With the dark green top on, it looks more like a Christmas basket than anything else.
Hey...change is good, right?
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