Sunday, February 24, 2013

Chicks and Pups at Mehaffeys'

As a surprise gift--just because--Shaina arranged for a full-on senior pictures photo-shoot for Jonna, who never had one when she was in high school. Our talented friend Carin Cryderman was the photographer, and I was the location scout. Mehaffey Studio was the location. Good call!

Mark and Rosie were beyond-great hosts. Allowed the girls the run of the studio and yard, and more than that, prepared us a delicious luncheon, served in the studio.

We got to meet Mark & Rosie's new cream-colored standard poodle pup Quin, and their adult dog (also a standard), Keshi. They are truly wonderful dogs. The girls fell in love immediately.

Melissa and I spent much of the time in the living room with Mark and Rosie and the dogs. Such great conversation; just an all-round great vibe.

And speaking of love, here are a couple of my favorite shots of Jonna from the photo shoot.

1 comment:

  1. Whether in a bar, cottish, or art studio, it is a gift to meet lovely people.

    I was honored to be included :)
