Sunday, February 24, 2013

Chicks and Pups at Mehaffeys'

As a surprise gift--just because--Shaina arranged for a full-on senior pictures photo-shoot for Jonna, who never had one when she was in high school. Our talented friend Carin Cryderman was the photographer, and I was the location scout. Mehaffey Studio was the location. Good call!

Mark and Rosie were beyond-great hosts. Allowed the girls the run of the studio and yard, and more than that, prepared us a delicious luncheon, served in the studio.

We got to meet Mark & Rosie's new cream-colored standard poodle pup Quin, and their adult dog (also a standard), Keshi. They are truly wonderful dogs. The girls fell in love immediately.

Melissa and I spent much of the time in the living room with Mark and Rosie and the dogs. Such great conversation; just an all-round great vibe.

And speaking of love, here are a couple of my favorite shots of Jonna from the photo shoot.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Visiting Sue and Steve (aka Scooter and Big Nurse)

We had a great visit with Sue (Scooter) and Steve (Big Nurse). Steve has been primary caregiver for Sue while she has been laid up from surgery on her heel. We drove up on a sunny day after two attempted visits were foiled by winter weather.

Sue demonstrates her fine kneeling-scooter form. Her cast is off, and she's been recently promoted from scooter to crutches.

We stopped at Horrock's on the way for the fixings for Dagwood sandwiches (what we call it when you pile up everything you can think of on a sandwich and make it almost too thick to bite).

The lake was frozen quite a ways out. In the picture, notice the open water beyond the large ridge. It is a beautiful winter-scape. Living on a lake presents one with new views moment by moment.

After lunch we lounged around on the new sofas and did some speed-catching-up. (Sue was more interested in what we had to say than this picture might lead you to believe. Looks like Ken was thinking of the next important thing he had to say.) Note the new sofas. Very comfy.

The sun came out and shone on the ice and the lake. Lovely.

And, as I acted quickly and didn't give folks time enough to refuse, I got this really nice shot of Ken with Sue and Steve.

Beautiful tulips on the dining room table, drooping gracefully.

Self-portrait with good buddy.

Our exquisite artisan Valentine's chocolates from Patricia's Chocolate in Grand Haven. Thank you Sue and Steve, see you soon! (p.s. they were delicious and completely gone that same evening)