Monday, August 27, 2012

Our vacation buddies, the Faulds

Ron drove up to join Ken at the cottage for some golf on Friday, August 24. Those two always have a good time together - they seem to encourage each other's "best" behavior. (I was down in Dewitt for a visit with Pa and a haircut.) After a picnic for Kristie at Frances Park on Sunday, I collected Jane at Tim and Erika's on Genesee and we drove north in the Subaru.

Ken and Ron met us in the driveway, Ken with a big bandaid hanging off his nose. He had apparently been bitten by a bug and wore the bandaid to cover the spot of calamine lotion. He looked too silly! I convinced him that the calamine-covered bug bite would probably be less hideous than the bandaid and he removed it. (Additional spots appeared on his face later. Diagnosis: poison ivy spread by scratching a bug bite. Ken washed everything - including himself - with Tecnu, so it appears the rest of us may have escaped infection. Knock wood.)

Sunday night we went to the Lodge - and we were the only ones there. I think they closed the joint down after we left.

Great photos of Ron and Jane on the boat, yes? We went out in the afternoon on Monday, stocked with Bloody Marys, beer for Ken, and a picnic basket-full of cheese, salami, chips, and crackers. We made a leisurely circumnavigation of the lake, with one stop to "swim." Jane and Ron had a brief nap, while Captain Calamine Lotion (whose picture I was forbidden to post) steered us toward home.

After the boat ride, Jane shucked the dozen ears of sweet corn we picked up at Uncle John's while I put water on to boil and made a simple salad for our supper.

Before bed, we all had a piece of apple/raspberry pie with strawberry cheesecake ice cream. Should make for some interesting dreams (although Jane's from last night would be hard to beat).

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