The pelicans were having quite a meal in the water next to the pier today. There must have been a school of fish trapped between the pier and the shore. This is only part of the pod (I had to Google the collective noun for pelicans - it said you could use "pod" or "scoop").

Jane scans the ocean with binoculars several times a day in search of dolphins and whales. She had seen only a few dolphins until today, when she spotted a whale breaching near a sailboat. She called Ron and me to the balcony, and we both saw the whale spouting and breaching, the big tail fins flying up in the air. You can't see the whale in the photo, but this was the time of day and the photo gives you a sense of the distance.
Apparently, this is the very beginning of the whale season here. Several local tour companies offer boat trips to watch whales.
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